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  Global Variables (Publics):

 There still those Clipper programmers who have not made the change
 from S87 or who still have so much code to support in S87 that the
 rewrite would not be possible. There is a new set of functions in
 this version of TSDWIN for those who still want public variables,
 but who realize their drawbacks. twInitGlobal(), twGetGlobal(),
 twSetGlobal(), twAddGlobal() and twDelGlobal() should make it
 possible for them to retain the concept of a public variable, but
 keep them encapsulated in a local stack. twInitGlobal() creates a
 STATIC array inside a library file which can be used to hold
 anything you want. We use it to store colour definitions, window
 explode logicals, system frame and shadow types and a few other
 things not related to windows per se. The other functions access
 the 'globals' which you define with twInitGlobal(), twAddGlobal()
 or twSetGlobal(). twSetGlobal() is especially handy if you have an
 application which allows different users to set their own colour

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson